Obstacles to Learning. Stanford Graduate School of Education Series in Philosophy of Education, Stanford University, US.
Disinformation and Evidence Resistance. UK Research & Innovation Future of the Internet Workshop: Combating Online Disinformation: Theory and Practice. UKRI, UK.
The Epistemology and Semantics of Ignorance. Keynote Talk at the ‘Knowledge in Crisis’ Workshop, University of Vienna, Austria.
The Epistemology and Semantics of Ignorance. Visiting Speaker Seminar, University of Bristol, UK.
The Epistemology and Semantics of Ignorance. New Work in Knowledge First Epistemology, Sitges, Barcelona, Spain.
The Epistemology of Conceptual Engineering. Knowledge and Conceptual Engineering Workshop, University of Barcelona, Spain.
The Epistemology and Semantics of Ignorance. World Congress of Philosophy 2024, Rome, Italy.
Knowledge and Information. Keynote talk, British Society for the Theory of Knowledge 2024 Conference, Glasgow, UK
Knowledge and Disinformation. Keynote Talk, Festival of Ideas, Madrid, Spain.
Inquiry, Justified Belief, and Justified Credence. BIAP Workshop: Evidential Norms and the Sources of Normative Knowledge. University of Barcelona, Spain.
AI: Trustworthiness and Explainability. Trust and AI Workshop, University of L’Aquilla, Italy.
Knowledge and Disinformation. The Annual Centre Lecture of the University of California Irvine Centre for Knowledge, Technology, and Society.
August 28-31. Keynote Speaker at the 5th Urbino Summer School in Epistemology: 4 lectures and 4 discussion groups on my work in knowledge-first social epistemology. University of Urbino, Italy.
October 9-11. Fact-Checking and Disinformation. Academia Europaea Building Bridges 2023, University of Munchen, Germany.
October 16-17. Keynote talk. Negligence, Recklessness, and Reasonable Doubt (with C. Kelp and L. Mace). Ernie Sosa Summer School, university of Seville, Spain.
November 28. Knowledge and Disinformation. Knowledge Resistance Workshop, University of Gothenburg, Sweden.
Knowledge and Disinformation. TimFest, University of Oxford, UK.
Functions in Conceptual Engineering. Glasgow-Barcelona 'Knowledge & Language' Workshop, Barcelona, Spain.
Politically Motivated Reasoning and Evidence Resistance. Collective Decision-Making Research Seminar, University of Hamburg.
Knowledge and Disinformation. Philosophy Visiting Speaker Seminar, University of Aberdeen, UK.
Positive Epistemology. The Epistemology of #BelieveWomen Conference, University of St Andrews, UK.
Sharing Knowledge: Precis and Reply to Critics, Book Symposium on my Sharing Knowledge, CUP, APA Pacific, San Francisco, USA.
Knowledge and Disinformation. Arche Epistemology Seminar, University of St Andrews, UK.
Obligations to Trust. Trust and Trustworthiness Workshop, University of Edinburgh, UK.
Group Responsibility Transmission. The Role of Knowledge for Responsible Decision Making in Organisations. University of Hamburg, Germany.
The Epistemology of Conceptual Engineering. Bled Philosophical Conferences, Bled, Slovenia.
Inquiry, Permissible Credence, and Permissible Suspension. Epistemic Explanations: Investigations into the Epistemology of Ernest Sosa. University of Miami, USA
Knowledge and Disinformation. Cogito-LangCog Workshop, University of Lisbon, Portugal.
Knowledge and Disinformation. Episteme Conference, Negril, Jamaica.
Knowledge and Justified Credence. The Power and Limits of Rational Reflection Conference, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg.
Knowledge and Justified Credence. British Society for Theory of Knowledge Meeting, Glasgow, UK
Engineering Voting. GAP 11, Berlin, Germany.
Politically Motivated Reasoning, Evidence Resistance, and Cognitive Malfunction. Bad Beliefs, Conspiracy Theories, Testimony and Resistance to Evidence GAP11 Satellite Workshop, Berlin, Germany.
Book Symposium on my 'Shifty Speech and Independent Thought', Concept, University of Cologne. Respondents: Peter J. Graham and Robin McKenna.
Resistance to Evidence. Young Academy of Europe.
Resistance to Evidence and the Duty to Believe. Rutgers Epistemology Conference 2022, New York, USA.
Justification as the Proper Route to Knowledge. APA Pacific BSTK Session, Vancouver, Canada.
What is Trustworthiness?. Philosophy Research Seminar, Open University, UK.
Epistemic Risks You Should Have Taken. The Social and Political Dimensions of Epistemic Risk Conference. University of Seville, Spain.
Resistance to Evidence. Nicod Philosophy Colloquium, Institut Jean Nicod, Paris.
Resistance to Evidence and the Normativity of Inquiry. Philosophy Colloquium, University of Warwick, UK.
What is Normative Defeat?. Jowett Society, University of Oxford, UK.
Justification as the Proper Route to Knowledge. Keynote Talk, European Epistemology Network Meeting 2022, Glasgow, UK.
Book Symposium on my ‘Sharing Knowledge: A Functionalist Account of Assertion’ (with C. Kelp). Function-First Epistemology Conference, Fordham University, New York, USA.
Permissible Suspension. Keynote Talk at the British Society for Theory of Knowledge 2021 meeting, Glasgow, UK.
Talking to Social Robots. Communication with AI Workshop, University of Oslo, Germany.
Politically Motivated Reasoning. Talk Series on Conspiracy Belief, University of Bochum, Germany.
Conceptual Functions in Conceptual Engineering. ConceptLab Research Seminar, University of Hong Kong.
Resistance to Evidence. Colloquium in Theoretical Philosophy, University of Zurich, Switzerland.
Voting: A Constitutive Norms View. Political Philosophy and Methodology Working Group, University of Hong Kong.
The Ethics of Meaning Production. Conceptual Engineering Workshop, Universities of Bielefeld & Bochum, Germany.
Resistance to Evidence and the Duty to Believe. Departmental Seminar, University of Sheffield, UK.
Proper Suspension. Book Symposium on Ernest Sosa's 'Epistemic Explanations', Pacific APA, Portland, USA.
Engineering Evidence. Arche Conceptual Engineering Seminar, University of St Andrews, UK.
Knowledge First Social Epistemology. University of Lisbon, Portugal.
A Puzzle for the Normativity of Inquiry. London School of Economics, UK.
The Normativity of Politically Motivated Reasoning. King’s College London, UK.
A Puzzle for the Normativity of Inquiry. Visiting Speaker Seminar, University of Stirling, UK.
Disagreement, Knowledge-First. Disagreement Beyond Ethics and Epistemology Workshop, University of Kent, UK.
A Puzzle for the Normativity of Inquiry. Asian Journal of Philosophy Launch Conference, South Korea.
The Epistemic Normativity of Conjecture. Theoretical Philosophy Colloquium, University of Groningen, Netherlands.
The Epistemology of Politically Motivated Reasoning. ‘Climate Justice, Risk, and Wellbeing’ Conference, COP26 UK Universities Innovation Showcase, Glasgow
The Epistemic Normativity of Conjecture. The Philosophy Society, University of St Andrews, UK.
Expressive Power and the Ethics of Meaning Production. Social Metaphysics Seminar, University of Barcelona, Spain.
Group Belief and Responsibility Transmission. GROUNDS Seminar, University of Leeds, UK.
Resistance to Evidence and the Duty to Believe. Epistemic Normativity Workshop, University of Leeds, UK.
The Duty to Believe. ALEF Workshop in Analytic Philosophy. Babes-Bolyai University, Romania.
Conceptual Functions in Conceptual Engineering. The Implementation Challenge for Conceptual Engineering Conference, University of St Andrews, UK.
Evidence. Perception: Epistemology and Mind Workshop, University of Glasgow, UK.
Evidence and Warrant. Research Seminar, University of York, UK.
Publishing Well. MAP Workshop, University of Bochum, Germany.
Epistemic Norms, Function First. Mind Fellow Address at the The Joint Session of the Aristotelian Society and the Mind Association 2019, Durham University, UK.
Responsibility Transmission and Group Belief (with G. Pettigrove and C. Kelp). Group Responsibility Workshop, University of St Andrews, UK.
Warrant Transmission and Psychological Defeat. Closure and Transmission Workshop, University of Edinburgh, UK.
Conceptual Innovation. Keynote Talk at the 'Conceptual Engineering and Its Consequences in Society' BPPA Masterlclass, University of St Andrews, UK.
Knowledge First Social Epistemology. Bled Philosophical Conferences, Bled, Slovenia.
Knowledge First Social Epistemology. Keynote Talk at the Edinburgh Epistemology Graduate Conference.
Reasons, Basing and Warrant. Visiting Speaker Seminar Series, University of Reading.
Reasons, Basing and Warrant. Philosophy Club, University of St Andrews.
Knowledge First Social Epistemology. University of Southern Denmark.
Evidence and Defeat. University of Helsinki, Finland.
Reasons, Basing and Warrant. The Glasgow Virtue Epistemology Conference, University of Glasgow, UK.
Disagreement, Knowledge First. Social Epistemology Workshop. University of Bristol.
Reply to Sliwa. 1st Social Epistemology Network Event, Oslo, Norway.
Knowledge First: Normative Credentials. Knowledge First: Themes from Tim Williamson, Cardiff University, UK.
Testimonial Contractarianism. Epistemology Seminar Series, University of Edinburgh, UK.
Knowledge First: Normative Credentials. University College London, UK.
Conceptual Engineering, Function-First (with C. Kelp). Visiting Speaker Seminar, University of Stirling, UK.
Conceptual Engineering, Function-First (with C. Kelp). ConceptLab Workshop, Zermatt, Switzerland.
Conceptual Engineering, Function-First (with C. Kelp). Glasgow-Hamburg Workshop, University of Glasgow, UK.
Epistemic Blame. University of Oxford, UK.
Knowledge First: Normative Credentials. University of St Andrews, UK.
Testimonial Contractarianism. Cardiff University Philosophy Seminars, Cardiff, UK.
Testimonial Contractarianism. New Trends in Social Epistemology Seminar Series, University of Glasgow, UK.
Knowledge First: Normative Credentials. New Trends in Epistemology Workshop, University of Hamburg, Germany.
Epistemic Norms: Action and Practical Reasoning. Meeting of the European Normativity Network, University of Stockholm, Sweden.
Assertion: The Constitutive Norms View. Assertion: Foundational Issues Workshop, University of Oslo, Norway.
Blame as Performance. Responding to Wrongdoing: Resentment, Blame, Forgiveness, Punishment Workshop, University of Oslo, Norway.
Testimonial Contractarianism. Social Epistemology Sumer School, Autonomous University of Madrid, Spain.
The Normative Myth of the Belief Assertion Parallel. The Joint Session of the Aristotelian Society and the Mind Association 2017, University of Edinburgh, UK.
The Explanation Proffering Norm of Moral Assertion. British Society for Ethical Theory conference 2017, University of Bristol, UK.
Testimonial Contractarianism. Keynote Talk. New Trends in Epistemology Graduate Conference, University of Pavia, Italy.
Testimonial Contractarianism. Bled Philosophical Conferences 2017, Slovenia.
Epistemic Virtues and Virtues with Epistemic Content (with C. Boult and C. Kelp). Bled Philosophical Conferences 2017, Slovenia.
Epistemic and Practical Matters (with C. Kelp). The 2nd Leuven-Southampton Epistemic Normativity Workshop, KU Leuven, Belgium.
Disagreement and Epistemic Improvement (with Fernando Broncano-Berrocal). Higher Seminar in Theoretical Philosophy, Lund University, Sweden.
Disagreement and Epistemic Improvement (with Fernando Broncano-Berrocal). Seminar of the Research Unit for Epistemology, Metaphysics, and Philosophy of Cognition, Aarhus University, Denmark.
Testimonial Contractarianism. CSMN Colloquium, University of Oslo, Norway.
Disagreement Needn't Be Metalinguistic Negotiation. Conceptual Engineering Workshop, Zermatt, Switzerland.
Testimonial Contractarianism. The 2nd Leuven Epistemology Conference, KU Leuven, Belgium.
Assertion, Context and the KK Strategy. 3rd PLM Masterclass with Timothy Williamson, Institute of Philosophy, University of London, UK.
Learning to See. 3rd Cologne-Leuven Epistemology Workshop, University of Cologne, Germany.
Knowledge First Functionalism. SIUCC XXV (Seminario Interuniversitario de Ciencia Cognitiva). Workshop with Timothy Williamson. University of Valencia, Spain.
Knowledge First Functionalism. European Epistemology Network Meeting, Paris, France.
Epistemic Norms: A Function First Account. 2nd Cologne-Leuven Epistemology Workshop, KU Leuven, Belgium.
Knowledge First Functionalism. Attitudes and Agency: Epistemology Workshop, University of Southampton, UK.
Knowledge First Functionalism. The 5th Belux Colloquium in Epistemology, KU Leuven, Belgium.
How to Be an Anti-Reductionist. Epistemic Dependence Workshop, Autonomous University of Madrid, Spain.
Assertion, Contextualism and Epistemic Norms. Epistemic Norms Conference, KU Leuven, Belgium.
Greco on Testimony. The Leuven Virtue Epistemology Pre-Conference Workshop, KU Leuven, Belgium.
No Epistemic Norm for Action. Postgraduate Session, Joint Session of the Aristotelian Society & the Mind Association. University of Warwick, UK.
Epistemic Norms and Norms with Epistemic Content. Bled Philosophical Conferences, Bled, Slovenia.
Epistemic Norms: The Commonality Assumption. Belux Colloquia in Epistemology, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg.
Assertion, Knowledge and Rational Credibility: The Scoreboard. Belux Colloquia in Epistemology. KU Leuven, Belgium.
Function Talk in Epistemology. The Leuven – Bristol Philosophy Workshop, Bristol University, UK.
Assertion, Contextualism and Epistemic Goals. Graz Young Epistemology and Philosophy of Logic Workshop, University of Graz, Austria.
Perceptual and Testimonial Justification. The Epistemology of Perception Pre-Conference Workshop, KU Leuven, Belgium.
The Tertiary Value Problem’. European Epistemology Network Meeting, Madrid, Spain.
Assertion: A Normative Framework. Yonsei Philosophy Conference, Seoul, South Korea.
The Tertiary Value Problem and the Superiority of Knowledge (with Christoph Kelp). Lignan University, Hong Kong.
Good Asserters. Belux Colloquia in Epistemology: Workshop on Knowledge and Language. KU Leuven, Belgium.
Watch my 'Knowledge and Disinformation.' The Annual Centre Lecture of the University of California Irvine Centre for Knowledge, Technology, and Society.
Watch a Book Symposium on my 'Shifty Speech and Independent Thought' at Concept, University of Cologne. commentators: Peter J. Graham and Robin McKenna.
Watch my Young Academy of Europe Anniversary Lecture on 'Politically Motivated Reasoning and Evidence Resistance'.
Watch an interview with me about the epistemology of vaccine hesitancy for the Adam Smith Business School (by Josephine Adekola).
Watch an interview with me about 'The Epistemology of Victim Testimony' for the Thoughts podcast.
Watch my Keynote Lecture at the Edinburgh Epistemology Graduate Conference, on "Hermeneutical Injustice as Basing Failure'.
Watch my lecture on 'Functions in Conceptual Engineering' at the Arche Research Centre, University of St Andrews.
Watch my lecture on 'What is Trustworthiness' at the Open University.
Watch my lecture on 'Politically Motivated Reasoning and Evidence Resistance'' in the University of Bochum 'Why People Believe Weird Things' lecture series.
Watch my talk on 'A Puzzle for the Normativity of Inquiry'' in the University of Bucharest.